How many calories are there in Popiah?
Weight Loss
Apr 26, 2024
Min Read

How many calories are there in Popiah?

At a glance

A fresh serving of Popiah typically contains approximately 188 calories. Considering your diet, lifestyle, and nutritional needs, you may be curious about how often you can enjoy this dish. Keep reading to find out more about the calories, ingredients, and nutritional value.

Calories: 188 kcal

Macronutrients and Other Nutritional Information:

Dietary Fibre1.8g
Saturated Fat2.6g

Ingredients and Additives:

Wheat Flour1 sheet
Lettuce1 leaf
Cooked Shrimp2 pcs
Jicama (Turnip)1/2 cup
Bean Sprouts1/4 cup
Carrots1/4 cup
Tofu2 slices
Fried Shallots1 tbsp
Hoisin Sauce1 tbsp
Peanut Sauce1 tbsp
Garlic1 tsp

Disclaimer: The aforementioned breakdown is an estimate based on our research, and can differ from roll to roll.

Health-wise, where does Popiah stand?

The healthy side

Great news—Popiah offers a mix of macronutrients from proteins to carbohydrates and some fibre, including healthy fillings like shrimp, vegetables, and tofu.

The not-so-healthy side

However, it's wise not to indulge too often. While delightful, Popiah should be consumed in moderation, especially considering the sauces that can increase the fat and sodium content, potentially leading to health issues if consumed excessively.

How do I burn off calories from Popiah?

If you've gone over your calorie budget for the day, don't worry. Burning off those extra calories simply means adding some physical activity into your routine. Here are some effective exercises:

  • Jogging for about 20 minutes.
  • Cycling at a moderate pace for 30 minutes.
  • Swimming laps for 25 minutes.

How often can I eat Popiah without gaining weight?

It depends! Your individual body type, along with your general eating habits, diet, and lifestyle, will dictate how frequently you can enjoy Popiah. Striving for balance in your meals and physical activity is key.

A practical approach is to enjoy Popiah occasionally—perhaps once every two weeks—keeping in mind the caloric intake of your other meals and maintaining a good level of physical activity.

Is losing weight possible while still eating Popiah?

Absolutely, weight loss can be achieved without completely giving up on Popiah. By choosing balance and moderation, Popiah can be a part of your diet when complemented with lower-calorie meals.

To enjoy Popiah regularly, consider adjusting the portion size or modifying the recipe to reduce calories, like opting for less sauce or oil.

Always remember: eat mindfully, balance your nutritional needs, and incorporate regular exercise. These simple rules will guide you toward a healthier weight and lifestyle.

How balanced is your diet? Check your BMI.

Your BMI is a solid general indicator of your overall health. Where do you stand? Take a quick check.

Losing weight doesn’t have to mean all salads. Finding the right balance between enjoying your favorite foods and maintaining a healthy weight isn't always about drastic measures. Our Slender Pen can help if your BMI is above 30, making it easier to control your appetite and eat more intentionally.

Embracing a lifestyle that doesn't completely exclude your favorite foods is possible. Start your journey towards a healthier, better you today!

Find out what your BMI indicates

Your BMI indicates that you may be
BMI provides an estimate of weight classification. For a thorough analysis of your weight and medical options, arrange a teleconsult with a Noah doctor.

*Medical treatment may not be appropriate for you even if you have a high BMI
Your estimated weight loss in 1 year*
*In a 56-week trial with 3,731 non-diabetic overweight (BMI ≥27) or obese (BMI ≥30) participants, those who finished (1,812 patients) lost an average of 9.2% body weight with Saxenda, alongside diet and exercise.
medically reviewed by
Written by our
Editorial Team
last updated
April 29, 2024

Articles featured on Zoey are for informational purposes only and should not be constituted as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. If you're looking for a healthcare provider, click here.

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