Thinking about having a baby? Getting proactive about your fertility is a great place to start.
A gentle but effective prenatal with bioavailable, natural ingredients to prepare your body for a baby.
Bump helps get your hormones balanced and ovulation regular. With the right nutrients, egg quality can actually be improved, and production of cervical mucus and lining increased to boost implantation success.
Now that you're pregnant, you'll need to maintain your nutrient levels for healthy fetal development, especially to those brains and bones. With Bump, you can look forward to less constipation and nausea, stronger immunity and better energy.
Nothing but the best bioavailable nutrients in Bump to give baby what it needs to grow and thrive. Also, your nutrient needs skyrocket during lactation and will need replenishing, so you'll have the energy to take care of the both of you.
Tired of scouring the web for answers? Need someone to discuss your options with? Speaking with a fertility coach is a great bet.
Before your consult, create your own information-rich baseline for discussion by going through Zoey's Pre-Preggers Plan.
Let your coach take you through a detailed review of your Pre-Preggers Plan, and have a chat about your results.
Receive Helpful Guidance & Support from your fertlity coach. Depending on your discussion, your coach may recommend next steps for you and offer relevant advice.
Talk with your GYN if you've got medical questions, or to wrangle your hormones and health during pregnancy.
Get your comprehensive at-home fertility hormone test by mail, discreetly packaged, of course. Receive your fertility profile and start planning your next steps with the support of Zoey's experts.
Evaluate your results and assess your reproductive profile based on your lifestyle and medical history.
Get referrals for a physical pelvic ultrasound or a semen analysis (for your partner) if necessary. You can also talk out your options with our Fertility Coach, and join our Telegram channel for support!
If you're trying to conceive, our Pre-Preggers Plan is a great place to start! Designed by medical experts and reviewed by a GYN, this checklist will provide you with a personalised plan.
Track your ovulation cycle to ensure you know your most fertile period for conception.
Once complete, the Pre-Preggers Plan will offer you advice on lifestyle choices and ways to boost your health with the right nutrition to prepare your body to support new life.
Monitor your progress every 3 months: redo your checklist, or consult with our OBGYN or Fertility Coach.
Build a support system that cares for you: your partner, friends, family or even right here at Zoey. Join our telegram group today!
Most comprehensive at-home test to understand your key hormones for fertility.
You are born with a set number of eggs, which decrease over time and at varying rates. We test for markers of your egg count and see what you're working with.
When are eggs released, and why? You'll learn how ovulation might be influenced by your BMI, use of birth control and certain health conditions.
Out-of-whack hormones can cause your weight, sleep, emotions and even fertility to fluctuate. Tracking their levels can tell you what's going on behind the scenes.
Ultra-sensitive, early-result pregnancy tests with 99% accuracy.
Increase your chances of conceiving by tracking your cycle and fertile window with the ovulation test kit.
Ovulation happens midway through your cycle. This means that in a 28-day cycle, you’re likely to ovulate on or around day 14, so you can start testing at around day 10 or 11. The best times to test are between 11am-3pm and 5pm-10pm!
Morning tends to be the best time to take home pregnancy tests, because hCG levels in urine are concentrated after a night without much drinking and peeing. If you're still very early in your pregnancy and hCG levels are only starting to rise, it may be wise not to test at night.
Ovulation test kits help increase your chances of conceiving by tracking your cycle and fertile window, while pregnancy tests we carry are ultra-sensitive and early-result with 99% accuracy.
Time for congratulations? Our ultra-sensitive, early-result pregnancy test detects the hCG hormone in urine to diagnose pregnancy.
For more accurate test results, we recommend using it up to five days before your period is expected to begin, or nine days after ovulation starts.
Taking the test immediately on the day where you’ve missed your period may be considered ‘too early’ because there is insufficient time for your body to build up a detectable level of hCG.
Morning tends to be the best time to take home pregnancy tests, because hCG levels in urine are concentrated after a night without much drinking and peeing. If you're still very early in your pregnancy and hCG levels are only starting to rise, it may be wise not to test at night.
There may be instances of false positives or negatives. Common reasons for these readings include taking the test too early during a missed period, checking the results window late (waiting more than 10min), or simply using the test kit incorrectly.
Ensure that you have the test’s instructions and administer it during the recommended time frame.
Figure out when to have sex and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Our test detects Luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine, and predicts its surge and ovulation.
It varies depending on the length of your cycle—but the short answer is seven to 11 days after the first day of your period.
The best times to test are between 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and between 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Early morning testing is not recommended as LH does not appear in the urine until later in the day. To ensure that you do not miss your surge, you may test twice a day, once in the earlier time frame and once in the later time frame.
There may be instances of false positives or negatives. Common reasons for these readings include taking the test too early during a missed period, checking the results window late (waiting more than 10min), or simply using the test kit incorrectly.
Ensure that you have the test’s instructions and administer it during the recommended time frame.
Got your medical diagnosis, now what? A Fertility Coach can answer all your questions and offer you the mental, physical and emotional assurance you need, so you can make decisions that are right for you.
Pregnancy doesn't start the day you have sex — it can take up to six days after sex for the sperm and egg to join and form a fertilized egg. Then, it can take three to four days for the fertilized egg to completely implant itself in the lining of the uterus.
Knowing when you ovulate can help you time sex for when pregnancy is most likely to happen. Having sex in the few days leading up to ovulation and on the day of ovulation increase the chances of pregnancy.
There are many ways - complete the Pre-Preggers Plan to find out more.